EF-PF741TJE Samsung Silikonhülle mit Ring für Galaxy Z Flip 6 - Grau

Samsung Silikon-Ringhülle für Ihr Telefon.
Es bietet Ihnen zuverlässigen Schutz und verfügt über einen eleganten Ring zum leichteren Tragen.
Mit dem raffinierten Ring der Silikonhülle wird das Schreiben von Nachrichten oder das Ansehen von Inhalten zum Kinderspiel.
Stecken Sie einfach Ihren Finger in den eleganten Ring und schon können Sie Ihr Telefon überall sicher und bequem nutzen.
Die Oberfläche der Silikonhülle zeichnet sich durch eine glatte und weiche Textur aus, die für einen sehr angenehmen Halt Ihres Telefons sorgt.
Der Premium-Bezug bietet Ihnen höchsten Komfort für jeden Tag.
- Silikonmaterial
- Original Samsung
- Fingerring
- Hochwertige Verarbeitung
- Passt genau auf den jeweiligen Telefontyp
EU (shipped from China 9-12 days)
For goods worth over €150, customs inspections may occur and customs fees may be charged at the relevant rate. This depends on whether the package is held up.
Based on the data provided in the customs declaration, customs officials determine and collect the customs duty owed. The customs to be paid is calculated as a percentage of the customs value of the goods:
This percentage or duty rate depends on the type of goods. You can find the customs rate applicable to a particular good in the TARIC database.
The customs value is made up of: the price of the goods, the insurance costs, the shipping costs.
If a certain limit is not exceeded when calculating the total cost of all goods in a shipment (value excluding customs or transport costs), no import VAT is to pay.
This limit is between 10 and 22 euros, depending on the EU country.
Worldwide (shipped from China 9-12 days)
Based on the data provided in the customs declaration, customs officials determine and collect the customs duty owed.
The customs to be paid is calculated as a percentage of the customs value of the goods:
This percentage or duty rate depends on the type of goods. You can find the customs rate applicable to a particular good in the TARIC database.
The customs value is made up of: the price of the goods, the insurance costs, the shipping costs.
USA (shipped from China 7-9 days) - You do not need to pay import VAT unless the value of your shipment exceeds $800 - this threshold applies per package even if there are multiple items in one box.
If you import your order for personal use only, you will be charged 2.9 percent which can slightly be different depending on product category.
The customs is an indirect tax, so you need to pay it to the U.S. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) before your goods can be released.